Guidelines for Men

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Why should you consider, Dating a Filipino Woman?

Well, here I will try to give you an inside view. Guidelines for men, is writing to help you understand women, from the philippines! There is properly many reasons why you should or not. But that I’will leave entirely up to you, to find out!

Guidelines for men: Many men of all nationalities have found their happiness with a Filipino woman and yet, you’re still having second thoughts about dating one. Read on and I will try to convinced you, as to why you should be dating a woman from the Philippines. Just a little warning! After reading this, you’ll differently want to date and meet a Filipina. But don’t worry, because you can meet a lovely Filipina right here.

Not all men like Asian women!! I understand and the decision, is entirely yours.

Just a reminder. Guidelines for men updates.

This article was written by a Filipina and has been translated into English. So it’s my task, to make sure, that it’s readable. The Grammar and text, will be changed ongoing. Thanks!
So let’s start!

1. They have a unique sense of beauty and you can’t deny beauty when you see it.

When you see a Filipino woman, you will notice how unique their beauty is compared to other asian nationalities. Their slender bodies, flawless tanned skin, beautiful brown eyes and black silky hair. Would just leave any man drooling. Aside from their appearance, there are many more benefits when dating a Filipina. Let’s keep on reading and find out why…

2. They are polite and well-mannered:

One of the many reason to date a Filipina woman is they have this special character called Delikadesa which basically means having good manners and behaving like a proper lady. This is one of the great things that a Filipino woman has an advantage of when compared to ladies from other nationalities.
A woman with Delikadesa will never do anything to shame herself and her family. She will do what is right and would take great pride in doing so.

3. They are well educated:

For a Filipino parent, it’s always their dream for their kids to finish school. No matter if they have to work day and night. For them, education is the most important thing they can pass on to their children.

That’s why Filipinos put great importance in education, especially finishing college. They put great pride in their accomplishments and they honor their parents for helping them finish their college education.

4. They are simple people:

Have you ever had that experience, when you got someone a gift then they ended up not liking it because it was not the brand that they wanted or that they think it’s ugly?
When you’re dating a Filipino woman, the brand or the price of the gift won’t matter to them. What would matter is your thoughtfulness that you got them a gift in the first place. They’ll think it’s sweet and that alone is a quality of an ideal woman.

5. They have strong religious beliefs:

The philippines have been a religious country for centuries.

Having grown up in a country where the population is mostly Christians, there’s a big chance that the Filipino woman you’ll date is probably a religious Catholic.
It’s a common practice for Filipino parents to teach their kids religious traditions like going to church every Sunday, participate in Christian holidays and seasons like Palm Sunday, Easter, Pentecost, and many others.
So don’t be shocked if it’s as if you’re dating a female version of a pope. Though not every Filipino woman is religious. Some of them are, some are not. Guidelines for men: How To Make the Relationship Work…

6. They look beyond physical features:

There’s nothing better when the person you love accepts you for who you are despite your flaws and baggage.
Filipino women look beyond physical beauty. What they look for in a man is if you’re respectful to them and their family, committed to the relationship, supportive to her dreams, and if you accept everything about them including their flaws and issues.

That’s what it’s like dating a Filipina, they give it their all and accept you for everything that you are.

7. They have strong commitment to their partner:

When you date a Filipino woman, show her that you’re the one for her, because when a Filipino woman chooses to be in a relationship with you they will promise to love you and they stick to that promise. They are only focused on you and won’t look for any other.

They don’t play games when it comes to love, so don’t go and break their hearts. Most Filipino women are in it for a lifelong relationship.

8. They are strong, at will:

Despite all the problems that come their way, Filipino woman remain strong for their family, friends, and themselves.
Whatever life throws in their way, they take responsibility for it. For instance, being a breadwinner of her family or taking care of her siblings when her parents are indisposed. They always put their family first before themselves.

9. They are very family oriented:

For Filipinos, family always comes first. That will never change. Whatever problem their family is in, they would always be there and help out because they stick together.
When dating a Filipino woman, they expect that you would have great respect towards her family. Also, keep in mind that her family’s opinion about you will affect how your relationship as well because it’s in a Filipino’s custom to seek their parent’s approval whenever they’re dating someone.

10. They are homemakers:

This is one of the best reasons why you should marry a Filipino woman.. They take great pride in just being your wife.
By being raised in a family oriented home, it’s in the nature of a Filipino woman to make your home a good and loving place for the whole family.

They take their duty as a wife and mother to the next level.
They take care and support you and the family
There are definitely more reasons why you should date a Filipino woman, but the ten things mentioned above are the most unique qualities that make them stand out among the rest.

Now that you know, how your life would be, if dated a Filipina. So don’t waste any more time, find that special lady and Date a Filipino woman Online, for quality dating and live chat. Just a few clicks away…

Things to expect when Dating a Filipina:

Just remember, this I only a guideline. What to expect, when dating a ordinary Filipina.

There is always a change, that you can meet a woman, with dishonest intentions and if that is the case. Then please contact us and we will look into the matter. Please also read the blog, regarding online dating!

It is only expected when you’re dating, that you will discover some things that a foreign think is weird, in your perspective. Especially if the woman you’re dating grew up with another culture, that are very different from yours.

If you’ve been dating before or you’ve just started and maybe soon will be dating a Filipina (the female equivalent of Filipino), you will find that they’re very different compared to other women, that you’ve be dating in the past…

1. They have extreme love, for their family:

Most Philippines grew up in a culture, where they treat their family as the most important thing in the world, just like many other cultures in Asia. Where family life is a very important part of their life and they have very close relationship with their parents, siblings, grandparents, even down to their cousins and their family’s opinion means a lot to them and that would have an affect in the relationship with her, also in the long run.

So be respectful towards their family, that’s very important. When you woo a Filipina, you also have to woo their family. But just be yourself, be friendly, helpful and show that you love/care and respect her. That’s what every parent want’s, for their children. A happy life and a bright future.

2. You’ll always be well fed:

Every time there’s a reason to celebrate, whether a birthday, fiesta, anniversary or even just a simple family gathering, Filipino families always celebrate these occasions with delicious food.

So don’t be shocked when you arrive at her house and there’s enough food to feed an entire Baranggay. That’s just the way how Filipinos celebrate a happy moment. They celebrate it with a full stomach.

2. They’re very religious:

With the Philippines having 92.5% of their population as in the sign of Christianity, there’s a high chance that the Filipina that you’re dating is from a religious family.
It’s a custom for a Filipino family to be religious by going to church every Sunday and celebrating Catholic holidays. This custom plays a big role in every Filipinos life, because it’s been passed down through many generation’s.
Even though you don’t share the same religion or share the same beliefs, you must respect her and her family’s religion. This is one of the most important things to know when dating a Filipina.

3. You’ll most likely meet her entire family:

When dating you are dating a Filipina and you’re about to meet her family for the first time, you better prepare yourself to be introduced, to her whole family. What we mean by the whole family is her parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, and for some cases, her neighbors.
You might be overwhelmed at first but this just shows that they’re excited to meet the man who’s dating their daughter. So just relax and be charming.

4. They do karaoke. A lot!:

You know you are dating a Filipina when she loves to sing, whenever a karaoke machine is available. A karaoke machine is a must to have, when having a family gathering. When there’s drinking and celebration, there must also be a Karaoke machine. Get your hidden singing talent ready, because you’ll surely be forced by one or two of her family members, to stand up and sing for the whole family.

5. Communicating in English is no problem!:

The Philippines is one of the top countries in Asia with the highest amount of proficient English speakers according to EF EPI. So It’s not hard to find a Filipina who speaks and understands English.
So communication would never be a problem in your relationship. Awesome, right?

6. Pasalubong is a must on every trip:

For anyone who doesn’t know what a Pasalubong is. Well, it’s like a souvenir that you would give as a gift to someone when you get back home.

Though bringing a Pasalubong is quite common when you travel, but it could be quite different with Filipinos. If your Filipino girlfriend asks you to bring Pasalubong, you can’t forget to bring Pasalubong for her mom, dad, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc. So make sure to bring an extra bag for all the Pasalubongs that you must buy.

7. You better be ready if she’s making Tampo:

First of all, do you know what Tampo is? For those who don’t, Tampo is a Filipino word to a person who withdraws their affection from the person who has hurt their feelings. Tampo has no exact translation in English but it basically means sulking or pouting.

Though this is perfectly normal in relationships, you’d still have to communicate with your partner and discuss what caused the problem. Communication is important to keep the relationship alive, so make sure to keep that aspect open.

8. Be sure to make her Suyo:

Of course, at every Tampo, you have to make her Suyo.
Suyo in English simply means to show affection and if you’re already been through this with your Filipino girlfriend/wife, they you already know a tip of the iceberg of what it’s like dating a Filipina.

It’s only normal that there would be fights and misunderstanding in a relationship and one way or another, you’d have to make peace with each other. It’s not hard to Suyo a girl. Just say that you’re sorry and you love her. And make sure to be sincere about it!

9. You can find them on this dating site:
On this dating site, you can only find women, from the Philippines!

Before you book that plane ticket to the Philippines, why don’t you try this dating site first? This is a great place to meet a single Filipina, who are seriously looking for a loving relationship, while sitting comfortably in front of your Computer, laptop or mobile, at home.

All women on this dating site, have been verified and are very alive. They have been invited by friends and my wife, who is also a Filipina. So you can say, that we are a big family and we are here to make sure, that the women on this site, find their true love and a happy home.

There are dozens of Filipino dating sites out there and finding the right one for you could take some time. Look for a dating site that has all the features that you’ll need. Like a messaging feature, profile browsing, can do advanced searching, and most especially video chatting. We have it, all here and we want to help you find your future wife.

10. Where to look for Filipina Singles Online:

Filipina is a nice place to start. We offer simple features, that will help you find your love, life partner, to a reasonable price. Experience dynamic profile browsing, unlimited sending of messages, public chat, live chat, video calls, share pictures, videos and music, create your own group, see if she’s online, add friends and find compatible matches.

Your data is safe with us and you can choose, whom you want to, share your information with. When you know what it’s like dating a Filipina on Filipina, you’d get to appreciate every little thing about her.

So what are you waiting for, try your luck right here and I’m sure, that you will not be disappointed. How should I know. Because I live with a Filipina and we have 2 wonderful children. She’s waiting just for you!

Dating in the Philippines:

Every country has its own unique culture and tradition. Countries in the same continent usually have some similarities with their neighbor countries, but still have their own sense of uniqueness that makes that tradition their own.

Dating in the Philippines, especially now, is somewhat a mixture of the traditional and modern Filipino dating culture. Filipino women still follow the traditional dating etiquette. Which is called Panliligaw or in rest of the world, courting. Now, Panliligaw has a touch of modernity and is fairly influenced by the western culture. Especially the younger generations. Guidelines for men – 10 hints..

1. The man makes the first move:

98% of the time, it’s usually the man who makes the first move. Whether if it’s just introducing himself or asking them out for a date. The women usually just wait until for the perfect timing until a man asks them out.
Nowadays, most people in the Philippines still follow this tradition especially in the countryside and minor provinces. But there’s a few where the women are more forward with asking guys out for a date.

2. The Parent’s permission:

Some Filipino parents could be quite strict, especially with their daughter’s dating life.
In the traditional way, before a man could ever date a Filipina, he has to ask for her parent’s permission first. It is required for her parents to know where you’ll take their daughter and even issue a curfew. Though there are some that would demand a chaperone. But it’s not really that common.

But that tradition is not really followed by most Filipinos anymore. Though there are still some who follows it. These days, they usually allow the man to meet their parents after they officially became boyfriend and girlfriend which we will tackle on the latter part of this article.

3. PDA rules & regulations:

People from older generations did the traditional dating in the Philippines where it is usually very conservative and are reserved whenever they’re with their significant others. Instead of holding hands while walking, couples usually link their arms or the woman holding on to the man’s arm. Others still even consider this as a very sweet gesture.

Nowadays, people are more lenient and open-minded with PDAs but of course, there are still some limitations. Compared to the western culture, Public Displays of Affection in the Philippines are still pretty conservative. This is where the Filipino cultural background plays a part.

Accepting to seeing couples holding holding hands!

When a boy and a girl hold hands, they’re automatically perceived as boyfriend and girlfriend. But if they’re only friends and they’re seen holding hands, they’re considered as doing something improper.

Hugging and cuddling while in public is also widely accepted and could still attract a few stares from other people. But of course, there are couples who can be a bit excessive with their hugging and cuddling. Like just clinging into each other like crazy and girls sitting on their boyfriends’ laps.
Others would consider it as okay if it’s only a kiss on the cheek or forehead. But something beyond that would not only turn heads but would also make foreheads frown.

4. Religious beliefs:

More than 86% of Filipinos are Catholic. That’s a huge number if compared to other the other religious groups in the Philippines.
Most Filipinos were brought up with religious values as they were growing up, and that is definitely a good thing. Because that means they put the highest value when it comes to family and relationships.

How To Make the Relationship Work:

1. Meet the whole family:

You’ll know when the relationship is getting serious if she introduces you to her whole family. Not only her parents or siblings(if she has one) but her whole family from both her parents’ side. From her grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, and some would even include their neighbors. Meeting the family is always a part of the Filipino dating customs. Your relationship won’t last long or be great without her family’s approval.
When you do meet her parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, don’t forget to mano. If you’re confused who to mano, just follow her lead.

Most Filipinos come from big families and they’re usually very close. So when she tells you that she wants you to meet her family, you’ll most likely meet everyone in her family tree who still alive.
Big bonus though, whenever Filipino families get together, there’s usually a ton of food that could probably feed a whole Barangay. They don’t do this to show off, this is just a part of their culture. Filipinos love to celebrate, and a celebration is never complete without food and karaoke!

2. Pamalae:

So what is Pamalae?
Pamalae is the term for when a man asks for the woman’s hand in marriage. But instead of asking only the woman if she can marry him or not, he also has to ask for her family’s blessing. A formal Pamalae is consist of the couple, both their parents, their siblings(if they have), and to some extent, their grandparents, aunts, and uncles.

In the traditional Filipino dating culture, the man’s family has to go to the woman’s house and introduce the two families together. The purpose of the Pamalae is to also make plans for the couple’s wedding. Where it should be held, when, who will do this and that.
Since this is a celebration of the couple’s engagement, of course, there will be food that will be shared by everyone. Which is supposed to be the next best thing to marrying your Filipino sweetheart.

3. The Takeaway:

The Filipino relationship culture is not really that hard to take on. Their dating culture is conservative and really puts high regard when it comes to their family’s approval, affectionate displays, and the whole courting process.

The real takeaway here is to have respect for the Filipina you’re dating and towards her family. That is just one of the most important things that make up a good and lasting relationship. If you show that to her and to the people that care about, you can expect the same love and respect to be expressed back to you. Maybe even more.

When you think of Filipinos, how would you describe them? Hospitable? Kind? Beautiful people? Or religious?
They’re actually all of those things. But in this article, we’ll be focusing on the religious side of dating a Filipina, specifically a Filipina Christian and how to make the relationship work especially if you don’t share the same beliefs. So, here goes…

4. Rethink your motives:

Why do you date?
Do you date with a purpose? Or do you date for the sake of dating?
When pursuing a relationship with a Filipino Christian, you got to make sure that you’re on the same page. For this, communication is the key!

We don’t want any misconceptions and unmet expectations to happen.

Make sure that she is the one, before making to many promises!

A lot of people have already fallen down on that rabbit hole and ended up with a broken heart. So talk it out and make your intentions clear.

Are you into exclusive dating? Tell her. Are you only interested in casual dating, and only time will tell if it will ever grow into something more? Tell her.

If you’re ever going to build some sort of relationship with them, at least be honest with what you really feel and listen to her, as well.

“A lasting relationship always starts with a friendship”
“Behind every good relationship, is an even better friendship”

What that phrase means is pretty clear. We know you really like this woman, you might already have feelings for her, and perhaps her feelings are mutual. But that doesn’t mean that you should drive into a relationship right away.

You might be a fan of the phrase Seize the day, but that doesn’t always apply to every scenario. Not just if you’re dating a Filipina, but with anyone regardless of gender, nationality, and religion.
Would you rather be in a relationship with someone you barely know and suddenly the attraction dies and the relationship would too? Or with someone you really know well and have build up a close relationship with?

“No need to rush things, take your time, be sure. That she is the one, you are looking for. Before meeting her family and friends”

5. Waiting is both a choice and a must:

It’s important to remember that not all Filipino women have the same view, values. Some can be too close to their faith and believes, that you’ll never get past the first base, before marriage. While others are somewhat more open. So the best thing to do is, being careful before asking her these questions and make sure, that you are very serious about her.

The point is, whatever her beliefs are about getting intimately involved before marriage, it’s her choice alone, but never force her. Witch could ruin the relationship, so you should always respect her. Because It’s not cool to pressured into something, that she not ready fore. If you share the same faith, you can completely understand the reasons why.

Love can be presented in a lot of ways, before from getting intimately behind closed doors. When she loves you and feel comfortable and can see, that you have real feeling for her. Than she will open up and invite you inside.

But if you are just looking for a one night stand, nude women on the webcam or sex talks, then you should not be dating any women, on this dating site

6. Family’s approval on religious differences:

Don’t take this step lightly.
Majority of Filipinos are Christians, and since most of them grew up in a very religious family. Their family prefer that they end up with someone of the same religion. Especially with parents or grandparents from older generations. Others even consider it a deal breaker for them.

But if you’re a a christian and you share the same faith, you’ll have a higher chance of being accepted by the family. Keep in mind that this varies from family to family. Some would be very welcoming, and others would immediately show you the door. You don’t have to be religious, just respects her and her family’s believes.

“Very simple, because it’s all about respecting each other and each others differences”

7. Respect is the most important thing:

When there are religious differences, one must respect each other’s beliefs. Even if it doesn’t really match, according with yours. Don’t give disrespectful comments on what they believe in.
How can your relationship survive if there’s no respect and acceptance in it? It might sound harsh, but that’s one of the most common reasons why people, would rather date someone from their own religion.

A filipina dreams of a church wedding and it might be somewhat complicated to get married with all the paperwork you both have to do. Provided of course, that you already have both your families’ blessings. Even though a civil wedding is a much easier route, even if it might not be the dream wedding she’s been imagining, since she was a little girl.

“So consider getting married in a church. That will surely make her very happy and she will have a memory of a lifetime and that will further strengthen the relationship and make both family’s very happy”

So a Wedding Ceremony with commitments, is a must have, for a woman from the Philippines. She regards this as sign of true love

Be true and honest, be faithful and loving, everyone will say that such a woman is good to have, but hard to find

8. Final Thoughts:

Making a relationship work is hard enough on its own and even more if there are meaningful differences like religion, culture and we all know that aspect, witch have had a significant role in her life ever before she was born.
But that’s okay. Relationships always have hurdles, and that’s what makes you stronger together. Just don’t give up, if things hard. Just enjoy in each others company and fight for the love that you believe in. Faith, hope and love…

Be kind, be open minded, be patient and be accommodating. But most of all be a gentleman. Because ladies prefer gentlemen, as Marilyn Monroe said or was it diamonds?”

Thank you for reading this article and I do hope that these words, will help you, in your search and in understanding a little about, Filipino woman! I wish you all the best of luck. Even if you decide, to find your partner, somewhere else.

Feel free to Contact Us, if you have any comments or questions. You are always very welcome!

Your adventure starts right here! Continue your quest with peace of mind and consideration for others, and treat others, in the same way as you, yourself want’s to be treated

“Give quoted text visual emphasis. “In quoting others, we cite ourselves”

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