Filipina Online Dating Site

Filipina Online Dating Site. Is a dating site for men and women. Seeking love, marriage and commitment! Signup and find you match and keep in touch. Read More…

Helpful Information for Online Dating:

Each year thousands of people meet their partner on the web and have a trouble-free dating experience. Please take the time to read through our Dating Online Safety tips. To ensure that your experience is safe and rewarding, when using Filipina Dating Service.

Getting Started:

Filipina Dating service allows you to remain anonymous to other users until you feel ready to provide contact information to other members.
Never include your personal contact information in your profile, especially telephone numbers, email, home address or your last name.

Only provide your contact information to another user when your instincts tell you, that this is someone you can trust.
Set up an new email account just for online dating. This makes it easy to quarantine any unwanted mail.
Keep your passwords confidential and make sure they are not easy to guess. Choose a unique password for online dating that you use nowhere else.

Avoiding Problems:

A lot of questions when communicating and be alert for inconsistencies or requests for money. Make notes if you are suspicious of anything.
If you are suspicious of a person or if someone asks you for money, use common sense and then report the situation to us by using the “Report Abuse” icon located on the member’s profile or by using the online support request form.

We do not validate the identity of our members or the information that they submit on their profiles. Although we take steps to eliminate any suspect members, it is not possible to be 100% sure that all members will be honest and truthful in their dealings with other members. Be alert and use common sense when communicating with other members or make sure, that he or she is a legitimate, genuine and a verified Member - Filipina Dating Service verified member.

NEVER send money to anyone you meet online and whom you have not yet met in person.

If you’re serious about finding someone, be prepared to be patient.

Before you Meet:

Find out as much as possible about the person you are communicating with before you meet them in person. Communicate extensively using email, instant messaging or chat prior to calling the other person. Do not disclose your phone number or personal contact information until you feel comfortable to do so.

Try to request multiple photos of the person you are communicating with. Ask to see photos of the person in a variety of situations at different times in their life. This helps to ‘paint a picture’ of the person and can be useful to understand more about that person.
When you do decide to meet face to face, pick a public place and tell a friend where you’re going. Let them know when you return from the date. More hints when using Filipina Online Dating Site and Services!

While dating:

Always tell someone where you’re going and when to expect you back!
Don’t be afraid to leave if you’re getting a bad vibe, or you feel unsafe!

I’d say that it’s probably a good idea to get some kind of feelings for the person you date before you go home with them, but that’s your decision. I wouldn’t accept a drink at their home until I was comfortable with them. If you do get drinks with them, be careful about leaving your drink unattended.

But you should never go back to someone’s place the very first day, you meet them, or accept a drink from them in their home. I prefer to take my time to build up trust and comfort levels before I’ll consider going to their home and sharing any personal information.

Before you become a bride! - Filipina Dating Service
Over 17% of all Marriages. Start Through Online Dating!

Before you become engaged:

Take your time to get to know the person. Proceed one step at a time and at your own pace.
If dating a person located in a foreign country be aware of cultural differences and take the time to learn the culture and understand the other persons expectations about the relationship. Spend as much time together as is possible getting to know the person, don’t just rely on email and instant messaging. Investing additional time to get to know the person before things get serious will help you to avoid costly mistakes.

Each year hundreds of people on our web sites meet their spouse and live a happy, loving life together. Before you get engaged. Take the time to consider what could go wrong and know your rights.
Getting married is one of the most important decisions in your life. And not something that should be rushed.
Make sure that you know as much as possible about your partner, before getting engaged.

Get familiar with their friends and family:

Get to know your partner’s friends and family. In some countries when you marry someone you also “marry” their family.
If you are getting engaged to someone from another country then you should take additional steps to familiarize yourself with your rights. Regarding domestic violence, abuse and divorce in your partner’s country.

Marriage love and commitment! - Filipina Dating Service
So it’s definitely possible to find the magical love, on Filipina.

Many countries including the USA, Australia etc. have laws that protect the visa status of foreign women who are unfortunate enough to marry or become engaged to an abusive or violent partner. This means that you can usually seek help for problems related to domestic violence while maintaining your legal right to remain in the country.

In the event of divorce, courts in many countries such as the USA, UK, Australia etc. will consider the equitable distribution of all marital assets based on a variety of factors. You should therefore consider how you may be affected in the event of a divorce.

For more Dating information, please visit the following links:

Guidelines for Men:

Guidelines for Women:

Note: You have to be a member, to view the above links!

We hope that you will use Filipina Online Dating Site and Service, in the future! We here at filipina, wishes you a safe journey! Thank you for reading.

More tips regarding – Safe Online Dating!


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